
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Zucchini, Potato and Marjoram Fritters with Sour Cream Dip

That's it ! I now officially have an M.Sc. in Physics! Awesome! This means I'll finally have more time to write posts ;)

But enough about me. The holiday of everything-that-is-fried is upon us and I am already fed up with Sufganiyot ( berliners / bomboloni / jelly filled doughnuts, match the name to wherever you are from ). I don't want to see another one of those for at least a year!

So instead of a laborious Sufganiyot recipe, I present to you my favorite fritters recipe! Or latkes, if you like to call them that... I don't, it sounds like something that is made out of plastic.

I find that the texture of these fritters is so much better when the potatoes are grated to a fine mash but the zucchini is grated to tiny sticks. You can grate everything into a mash if you really don't feel like working (but, come on, don't be lazy!!).

Happy Hanukkah / Christmas everyone !!

Zucchini and Potato fritters with Marjoram

25-30 tablespoon sized fritters

1 large zucchini (~170g)
2 medium potatoes (~450g), the waxy kind 
6 leafy stems of marjoram (each about 9 cm long)
3 garlic gloves
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tbsp flour
oil for frying

for the dip:
200g sour cream
a little more than a 1/4 tsp of yellow curry
1/4 tsp ginger powder
a little chopped dill for garnish.

Peel the potatoes and grate them to a fine mash in a large bowl. Grate the zucchini to small sticks. Strip the marjoram leaves from the stem - hold the end of the stem in one hand and pull with the other down the stem so that you are going against the direction in which the leaves are growing. They come right off this way, add them into the bowl. Crush in the garlic, add the egg, flour and finally salt and pepper to taste. Stir till the batter is uniform.

Heat a large pan with a layer of about 1/2 cm oil on medium heat. Drop the batter into the hot oil by spoonfuls, frying until they are golden - light brown on either side. When you put the batter in, the oil should bubble gently. If it's bubbling violently it is too hot and you need to reduce the heat. Drain excess oil on paper towels.

Sour Cream Dip:
mix the ingredients for the dip together and garnish with some chopped dill.

Save this recipe to your Recipe Box --> Yum

1 comment:

  1. Lovley ! the pic and the timing ! missed you


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